Dr. Jahashi Nzalawahe

Dr. Nzalawahe holds a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Master’s degree of Veterinary Medicine, and PhD in Veterinary Parasitology from Sokoine University of Agriculture (2016). His doctoral thesis was on the ‘Investigation on Epidemiology and Control of Trematode infections in Cattle in Southern and Northern zones of Tanzania’ undertaken. Following completion of his PhD studies he was awarded Leverhulme Royal Society African Award (2018) and COSTECH (2019-2021) Postdoctoral fellowships. His research interest has been on Epidemiology, Diagnostics and Community Engagement for control of parasitic diseases of veterinary importance (Trematode infections in cattle, Soil Transmitted Helminthes, Zoonotic Tapeworms, Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases and rodent’s parasites).